Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hinchcliffe Stadium

Sitting near the Great Falls Park in Paterson, NJ, is the old and abandoned Hinchcliffe Stadium. Now on the National Register of Historic Places, there is a movement right now to preserve and possibly restore the stadium -built in 1932- to it's rightful condition.

The stadium was first home to a multitude of all-black sports teams since at the time blacks weren't allowed on white teams. Football, baseball, auto-racing, concerts... you name it, and it was here. It's kind of hard to imagine in our society today that... sixty-something years ago, blacks didn't play alongside whites in major and minor league sports.

The stadium hasn't been used much since 1997 and the amount of vandalism is rather embarrassing for a place that has had some much history pass through it. I took only a few pictures since we were strapped for time and we plan on coming back real soon!

To learn more about this place, and the movement to preserve it, please visit the Friends of Hinchcliffe Stadium at:

Take me out to the baaaall game
Take me out to th-
ah shit wrong sport.

Where's the rest of it?

Finding random car parts in these places reminds me of that scene from Jaws where Hooper and Brody are cutting open that shark on the dock late at night:

Hooper: Ah. Just like I thought... He came up with the Gulf Stream - from southern waters.
[he pulls a Louisiana license plate from the shark. Brody examines it]
Brody: He didn't eat a car, did he?
Hooper: Naw, a tiger shark's like a garbage can, it'll eat anything. Someone probably threw that in a river.


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